Am I powerless?

As a whole person, I believe that’s a hard no. However, when it comes to alcohol, I bow down to it. Its seductive grip has stolen years. It’s sneaky too. It’ll creep right up on you and then gaslight you when you try to back away. It’ll get into every cell in your brain, and body. If it hasn’t started to yet, just wait. It will caste a black undertone that shields you from life’s joys. Then it becomes all you can think about.

Slowly, but surely it’ll happen. Yep, that crap is fierce and I wouldn’t touch it for anything- I am powerless over alcohol.

2 thoughts on “Powerless

  1. Luckily I’ve never experienced alcohol addiction. I don’t smoke cigarettes either, so I’m not addicted to anything. I only drink 2 beers, which makes me tipsy already, but then I stop because I don’t want to drink past my limit, I still want to have some awareness of where I am and what I’m doing.


    1. It sounds like you are what my people call a “normy”, lol. It’s not a bad thing, I’m married to one ☺️
      I never cared about having awareness – in fact I drank to try to get rid of all my awareness… which, well, didn’t end well 🤦🏻‍♀️
      Thanks for the comment, have a great day! ☺️


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